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Blonde Inspiration [1941] [DVD]

John Shelton (actor)
Virginia Grey (actor)

Format: all-region dvd (worldwide)
Runtime: 1h 12m
Quality: Very good 4:3 b/w

A real sleeper, this MGM B-pic is a special treat for those who dote on the pulp fiction magazines of the past. Would-be writer John Shelton is lured into investing money not his own in a shoestring western fiction weekly. Further, he gets drafted into writing the shoot 'em up cowboy stories needed to fill its pages when the current king of western pulps goes on one of his periodic benders. That's the situation which leads to the complications. Cast is uniformly excellent and film is genuinely funny at all the right places. We get to see the big brother of the fabled Plot Genie machine, plus some hilarious sessions with Shelton attempting to brainstorm 2-gun western fiction. There's even a look inside a magazine printing plant.
Blonde Inspiration [1941] [DVD]
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Blonde Inspiration
[1941] [DVD]
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